Bottlehood's Blog

A New Renewed Resolution

Do you resolve to make resolutions at the beginning of each year? The first resolutions were those of ancient Babylonians making promises to pay off debts and return farming equipment with the hope to earn favor from their gods. The Romans declared January 1 as the first day of the year to honor Janus, the Roman god of beginnings who has two faces that allow him to look into the past and forward to the future. In 46 BC Julius Caesar allowed the previous year to drag on an extra 90 days in order to realign January 1st and the Roman calendar with the sun.

I did not know much of the above. In these modern times popular resolutions consist of goals to become healthier, more physically fit, more positive and more spiritual. A lot of people resolve to spend more time with their loved ones. Some wish to improve upon their financial state. I can tell you that getting into shape, losing weight, and to quit biting my nails are my top three resolutions every year and I’m right on track for making this year (or next) the one in which it all happens!

Please allow me to introduce myself; my name is Michelle and I work at BottleHood. I am part of a team of fantastically creative souls who have a wonderful thirst for life and its many adventures. Recently, I asked my fellow employees to relay a few of their New Year’s resolutions to me for inspiration. While most shared the same goals as the popular aforementioned declarations of the general public (myself included) a few co-workers had some more unique ideas. Jewelry Manager, Kelly, said “to not type ‘LOL’ unless I have really laughed aloud.” Evan, our Sourcing Manager replied, “I want to learn more jokes!” (Backstory: Evan sits behind me and I make him tell me jokes.) I loved Marketing Director Leslie’s resolution “to eat less chocolate, drink more champagne and practice more yoga in between.” But my favorite by far was from Jonathan who works in packing and shipping. He replied simply ”to eat more calories.” Yes please and I wish.

What better way to keep goals than to share them with your friends, loved ones and perhaps a co-worker or four? Together, we have new resolutions for our company! For starters, we want to learn more, grow in knowledge and in product! We want to make new friends and take more trips to see what other developments are going on in our industry and in our community. BottleHood will expand and try new ideas this coming year and we resolve to keep telling you what we are doing and the things that keep us inspired! So it begins (again)…our renewed blog, a superb resolution.